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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed id dapibus nunc, in tincidunt lectus. Etiam consequat sem quam, ut interdum velit euismod dignissim. Curabitur finibus malesuada nulla ut pellentesque. Donec ornare tortor quis libero mattis placerat. Cras sit amet pretium magna. Ut quis cursus odio. Praesent vehicula turpis velit, non ultrices risus vulputate a.
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Proin laoreet nec leo quis tempor. Duis mattis mollis vehicula. Duis viverra, ligula finibus pulvinar porttitor, neque erat gravida elit, at facilisis leo ligula a magna. Maecenas nec ultricies mi, quis interdum lectus. Suspendisse non ullamcorper ex. In in augue ultricies, hendrerit velit eu, suscipit libero. Aliquam a consectetur diam, et efficitur ante. Donec ultrices tincidunt nulla quis molestie. Vestibulum ultrices ornare neque vestibulum pulvinar.
Mauris interdum ut purus sed suscipit. Maecenas sit amet ante eleifend, iaculis nisi sed, semper sapien. Nunc convallis congue enim. Quisque ut tincidunt massa. Morbi ut ultricies quam. Morbi id erat sed neque ornare ultricies sed vel turpis. In odio mauris, maximus at nisi non, lobortis gravida metus.
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In luctus massa non suscipit aliquet. Fusce placerat mollis ex non porta. Sed efficitur tortor tincidunt ligula rhoncus, nec maximus orci egestas. Mauris ornare velit sem. Aenean volutpat nisi quis nulla fringilla varius. Etiam ut auctor magna. Proin sodales felis et ante gravida blandit. Vestibulum facilisis, enim id accumsan fringilla, diam quam molestie ligula, non scelerisque enim eros eget sapien. Aenean eget risus a felis pulvinar venenatis nec et nisi. Nullam feugiat orci vitae ante rutrum molestie. Sed at purus id eros pellentesque luctus quis nec lorem. Quisque scelerisque leo a libero vestibulum blandit.
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Maecenas at quam eget neque tincidunt commodo in ut ex. Nam at massa accumsan, dignissim quam vitae, vestibulum nisi. Aenean aliquam metus sit amet suscipit suscipit. Suspendisse posuere id lorem non faucibus. Sed sit amet lorem sit amet orci convallis viverra in a enim. Etiam finibus laoreet fringilla. Donec nunc orci, mattis sed varius nec, rhoncus et mi. Praesent varius dui vel gravida aliquam. Phasellus ut tincidunt nunc. Sed nulla purus, tristique nec sodales eget, tincidunt et justo. Quisque laoreet enim non laoreet congue.
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Nunc ultrices lectus ac ex facilisis, porttitor dignissim magna condimentum. Ut feugiat interdum lectus, nec iaculis orci scelerisque eu. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Vestibulum in tincidunt enim. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Mauris interdum ut purus sed suscipit. Maecenas sit amet ante eleifend, iaculis nisi sed, semper sapien.
Heading 5
Nunc convallis congue enim. Quisque ut tincidunt massa. Morbi ut ultricies quam. Morbi id erat sed neque ornare ultricies sed vel turpis. In odio mauris, maximus at nisi non, lobortis gravida metus. Suspendisse ac eros nunc. Ut at vestibulum urna. Vivamus nec ligula et ipsum fringilla venenatis. Nulla risus nisi, vulputate ac ligula eu, viverra fringilla odio. Suspendisse molestie lorem tortor, vel maximus magna tempor eget. Nunc tempor sem non mauris faucibus, nec convallis velit lacinia.
Heading 6
Donec convallis ante velit, a feugiat elit semper eget. Pellentesque ullamcorper velit in lacus bibendum, eu facilisis velit tristique. Morbi id risus eu magna bibendum gravida dapibus in est. Cras aliquam, augue ut tempus dictum, urna metus bibendum sem, eu molestie ligula eros at lectus.
Testing the form
Hundreds of Bristol employers are choosing ESL as their CSR and social value partner. Over 100 local employers have joined Bristol WORKs to provide meaningful and inspiring experience of work to young people, particularly those with limited contact with employers. Going beyond the traditional work placement, employers are providing site visits, visits to schools and settings, providing mentors and offering real work challenges.
To help with recruitment, hundreds of employers have joined forces with our One Front Door to provide job matching opportunities and engage with potential candidates through our annual programme of jobs fairs. Recruiting employers are also working with our Adult and Community Learning Team, developing pre-recruitment and workforce development programmes providing effective talent pipelines.
Over 200 employers in the construction sector are working with Building Bristol and On Site Bristol to recruit and train new construction apprentices and build a future workforce together.
Different Council teams are joining forces with us to achieve our shared goal of changing lives through ground breaking programmes. Some teams are sharing resources and time to enable people facing the greatest risks to get on and achieve a brighter future. A great example is our collaboration with the Bristol Housing and Homelessness Teams.
Together we have developed a range of customised services: The Roof Over My Head course provides social housing tenants with information and skills to manage their tenancy; the Move in Move on Move up (MIMOMU) project is providing employment and skills support for homeless people, and On Site Bristol provides apprenticeships for the Housing Maintenance Team.
The Council’s Apprenticeship Stakeholder Group provides a forum for different teams, staff led groups and trade unions to shape our apprenticeship offer.
Hundreds of providers come together with ESL to network, share information, co-design services, help us tap into amazing Bristol resources and spread the word. The City Leaders Group for Employment and Skills provides a strategic forum for the DWP, the City Council, the local college, probation service and mental health service to discuss and tackle priorities together.
The Into Learning Meeting brings post 16 providers and frontline workers together to find post 16 places for young people disengaged from learning. The Ways2Work Network provides an opportunity for employment support providers to plan and promote their work together. The Community Learning Advisory Board provides a forum to monitor, champion and steer community learning in Bristol.
The value in all these collaborative forums and exchange networks is reaping rewards for all.
Hundreds of community-based organisations have joined forces with ESL to enable their members and users to access employment, skills and learning. Children Centres, schools, libraries, faith-based organisations, community groups and centres are working with Community Learning to host free courses and to distribute free digital devices to enable people to get online.
Some community groups and voluntary sector providers have been able to apply for funding from ESL through grants, sub-contracting and levy sharing. Some equalities groups and community leaders have been working with ESL to co-design customised programmes to meet the needs of under-represented and marginalised groups.
People join us from a range of backgrounds – all with a shared passion to make a difference. With our strong commitment to diversity, we are always welcoming of applications from people from equalities communities and those that have faced a non-traditional route into learning and work. If you’re looking for a great career move where you can make a difference with others, then we’re interested in you!
There could be the perfect role here for you – whether you’re just starting out or you’ve already achieved success in other jobs. Across ESL, you will be able to develop your career in a thriving and supportive team, enjoy excellent learning and development opportunities, receive great benefits, a competitive salary and work in a friendly, collaborative and flexible environment. Sound good? Take a look at the Bristol City Council current vacancies page to find out if there are live job opportunities within our brilliant team.