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We want young people in Bristol to enjoy positive experiences of work to help them make the best career choices.

Bristol WORKS provides young people with fantastic experiences of work so they can make the best career choices. We bring employers and education providers together to inspire young people most at risk of being left behind.

What We Offer

Bristol WORKS facilitates numerous work experience opportunities for people across Bristol. We strongly believe high quality work experience supports a diverse future workforce and helps prepare people for the world of work.

Aerial view of Clifton


Join the employers who have already made their Pledge to add value and increase the life chances of learners.

Students working on a project

“It was good learning about the different parts of the company and stages of working on a big project. I was able to talk to people at the company this gave me information about potential jobs I might like to do in the future”

“The session taught me about the importance of working hard and to take every opportunity I get”

School trip to working farm
Students at a construction site

“The placement was great because I got to understand a work environment and learn more about what goes on inside a business and receive help on how to achieve my dream job”

How We Do It

We work with employers to design high quality experiences of work ensuring young people develop skills needed for the workplace – here are some ways we do this: