Learn about our latest projects in career coaching and realising talent. Plus, follow our WORKS Projects development here.
Here are just a few examples of our great initiatives that we are leading right now…

Building up career knowledge with MCS
Bristol WORKS supported students from Voyage Learning Campus with a practical workshop led Veda from MCS. The students, who respond particularly well to hands-on activities, were required to work in teams to construct a bridge over a gap between two tables using plastic straws and a range of different connectors. […]
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Bedminster Down take off to Bristol Airport
Bristol WORKS took a group of Year 7-9 students from Bedminster Down School to Bristol Airport to learn about the large number of job roles […]

Realising Talent
Realising Talent – a pilot scheme to support 14-16 year olds with mentoring and guidance The Realising Talent initiative (RT) is run by the West […]

Career Coach
Career Coach is a five year coaching programme for children in care. Do you remember that person who inspired you in your teenage years? Did you have […]