ESL is awarded Matrix Accreditation
The ESL team are delighted to have been awarded a Matrix certificate which recognises the high quality standard of all information, advice and guidance services across the team.
In line with the DfE Matrix standard process, this involved three days of intensive assessment – including desk research and interviews with significant numbers of staff, partner organisations, learners and clients. The matrix standard is outcome based which means the assessor not only looks at processes used to support IAG delivery but also the results achieved.
In the assessment report, ESL are commended for improving its reputation as an excellent place to learn:
‘the prevalence of good practice gives the ESL offer reputational edge. Shared values and a commitment to help learners progress well enhances delivery’. The assessor recognised that ESL is both a learn ing and IAG provider and also plays an essential strategic co-ordination role on behalf of the City Council.
Partners interviewed consistently praised the quality of delivery. Learners spoken to also valued many aspects of ESL delivery. A large number of strengths are listed in the final report: including: clear leadership and strong quality culture. Areas of practice that were highlighted included: Bristol WORKS careers advice in schools; IAG embedded into Community Learning and Future Bright that provides life-changing in-work advice to those on low pay seeking progression.
Helpful development areas were also identified that ESL is already progressing through a detailed Matrix action plan. Work is underway to develop and use of value for money software and development of team promotion and communication to ensure more people are aware of the impact of critical ESL services in Bristol.