Achieve at City of Bristol – SPACES STILL AVAILABLE!
Hi all,
We still have space on our upcoming Achieve course based over at SBSA in Hengrove – start date is 3rd October.
The Achieve programme is 10 weeks for 2 days a week (Tuesday and Wednesday)
The units we cover are:
–Wellbeing – looking at mental health, stress, emotional wellbeing and self-esteem.
–Wellbeing Physical Activity – looking into the benefits of being physically active and taking part in some activities such as boxing and outdoor pursuits
–Preparing for the World of Work – Looking at the behaviours and attitudes for the workplace, information contained on payslips, skills and behaviours required for desired careers.
This could potentially lead to the young people being able to be placed on to an award level course.
If you – or anyone you may know are interested send me the details and I can arrange meetings with them.
Achieve – City of Bristol College
Martin Wilmot
Programme Manager
T: 0117 312 2844
M: 07855095792