Discovering Potential Post-16 Career Pathways at Oasis Academy John Williams!
What path is right for you after finishing school? There are so many amazing options for students after they leave school, as Year 9’s at Oasis Academy John Williams have been finding out! Over the past two weeks, students had the chance to discover exciting future post-16 career pathways available to them in interactive assemblies.
For both sessions, students heard first hand from education providers, graduates, and apprentices about potential future career pathways. Our excellent volunteers shared the ins and outs of their own diverse journeys, helping students to make their own decisions about what may be best for them, and why.
Sometimes, with so many brilliant opportunities available, it can be tricky to pick your path. Having information to make informed choices is key. In both assemblies, students were encouraged to get curious and research future options and shown where to find support to make these choices. It’s never too early to start thinking. We learnt that it is also normal to start on one path, and then realise another path is better suited to you!
University can be a great choice for many, as learners found out in a virtual assembly with Jess from the University of the West of England. Covering the key question ‘Why go to University? students learnt all about the benefits of going to university as an option.
Our brilliant graduate panel (Lois, Aadesh and Adam) told us how you can move to a new area (or stay local), meet new people, gain independence, get work experience placements, and even find new hobbies and interests in the many clubs and societies. University is an excellent option if you are suited to academic learning, or there is a particular career path you know you want to take.
Apprenticeships are another excellent option. Combining work and study, apprenticeships involve being employed (and paid!) to do a job whilst studying for qualifications. Excitingly, more and more industries and companies are providing apprenticeships – there really is something for everyone!
Especially suited to those who prefer a practical, hands-on learning approach, you also get to earn while you learn, gain key skills and work experience in the field, and the chance for further employment opportunities. Students learned that you could do an apprenticeship at any age (once you are 16), including after sixth-form or college, after university, or later down the line when you are already on the career ladder!
Year 9’s asked questions to our brilliant apprentice panel, Regan (Savills), Sarah (On Site Bristol), Zoe (Bray & Slaughter), and Yolanda (Bristol City Council), who openly shared their different personal experiences. They gave excellent practical advice and tips to the students, including taking opportunities to talk to employers at careers fairs, not giving up if you don’t get the first apprenticeship you want, and that you can do multiple apprenticeships as you progress and find out what you are suited to.
A huge thank you to our apprentices and graduates and Year 9’s at Oasis John Williams for their enthusiasm and curiosity. There are exciting post-16 pathways to suit all!