It Really is Easy Being Green!
Last week, Bristol WORKS delivered a workshop to students at Voyage Learning Campus, which introduced a new industry and provided the opportunity to meet an employer. We were joined by the wonderful Aimee from Waste Source who delivered an engaging session on the exciting world of refuse, recycling and waste management!
Waste Source provides waste management support to their customers in the hospitality, construction and retail sectors, helping them to recycle and dispose of their rubbish in the best possible way. Although based in South Bristol, Aimee explained that Waste Source works on a national scale and the organisation requires expertise across several departments, not just the traditional rubbish collectors we might think of. In fact, Waste Source have departments that include sales, customer service and accounting. We learnt about the different career pathways that Waste Source offers and the opportunities available for those with apprenticeships and those entering at entry level.
Aimee’s passion for sustainability was infectious and she encouraged students and staff to really consider the importance of recycling properly and why we should all have a food waste bin. We were presented with a fascinating look into what really happens to our waste once it leaves our homes, talked about the importance of separating our rubbish properly and how we can produce biofuel from our food waste (an alternative and more sustainable energy source!). Our knowledge was really put to the test during a very competitive quiz- who knew that recycling a single bottle can power a TV for an hour!
Students found the session very useful in hearing more about a new world of work and the avenues this sector could offer. They particularly enjoyed learning ‘about how bin waste can be made into reusable things’ and staff, students and the Bristol WORKS team all left feeling ready to tackle the task of being more sustainable at home! Thank you to Aimee at Waste Source for delivering such an informative session and thank you to the brilliant students and staff at Voyage!
Our work in provisions out of Bristol has been funded through the Careers and Enterprise Company & The West of England Combined Authority.